Following the consultation on the changes to the school’s admissions arrangements for 2026/27, the Trustees of Aquinas considered all the responses and in particular the objections from the local authority but concluded that it was in the best interest of the school that the published admission number be reduced to 180 from September 2026 and thus the changes were approved. The revised admission arrangements will be available on the school website by next year.
Admission Arrangements 2026/27 Consultation Responses
The Aquinas Church of England Education Trust (Aquinas) consulted on changes to the Admissions Arrangements for 2026/2027 for Bishop Justus CE School. The consultation ran from Friday 4th October 2024 to Friday 15th November 2024 inclusive and the rationale for the changes were detailed in the consultation paperwork already published.
Summary of changes:
- Year 7 - Reduction in the Published Admission Number (PAN) from 240 to 180
- 6th Form - An increase in the number of places available to external students from 10 to 20
The responses to the consultation:
Parental - six parental responses were received all of which were totally supportive of proposed changes.
Stakeholders - The Rochester Diocese Board of Education supports the changes, and the London Borough of Bromley supports only the change to the 6th form admission arrangements.
The London Borough of Bromley (LA) opposes the changes to the Year 7 admission arrangements for the following reasons:
- They are opposed to the reduction in the PAN from 240 to 180 as it does not align with the LA’s agreed School Places Commissioning Plan 2024 which seeks no reduction in places in planning area 1 being where Bishop Justus is situated.
- Planning area 1 has a 3% net surplus of places which is within the LA’s target surplus of 5% which provides for local fluctuations and parental preference.
- Although Bishop Justus has lower pupil numbers this is not the case in other schools in planning area 1 who are admitting over PAN; thus, the additional places at Bishop Justus are necessary to meet demand.
- The availability of places in planning area 1 is made worse by the cancellation of the Harris Kent House Free School.
- The number of applicant preferences for Bishop Justus has been over 180.
- The fall in roll is school specific and not linked to a lowering of demand for places in planning area 1.
Trustees are asked to re-consider their decision. Failing which the LA will refer the matter to the adjudicator.
The outcome of the consultation will be considered by Trustees who will make a final determination shortly.
Trustees approved the changes to the admissions arrangements for all schools.